3.6 Can I make servers think Voyager is some other browser? If you are trying to access a site that checks to see what browser you are running, and it is denying you because it doesn't like Voyager, you can make the server think you are running a different, more "mainstream" browser. As of version 2.91, there is a menu option that allows you to "Spoof as Mozilla" under Settings. It's a check-mark option that can be turned on and off during browsing. If you're using V2.88 or earlier, there is still a way to make it spoof, but it's more permanent and more difficult to do: To do this, you must have a little experience using a hex-editing program, such as AZap. The procedure is this: open the V executable in your hex-editor. Search for the string "User-Agent". It occurs twice in the executable. The field of this string is "AmigaVoyager/2.88 (AmigaOS 3.x)". If you change this string to read something else, then Voyager will send the changed string when asked to identify itself. You must replace both instances of the "AmigaVoyager/2.88 (AmigaOS 3.x)" string in order for this spoof to work. To make servers think you are a popular browser, you might try : "Mozilla/3.01 (Voyager Spoofing)" Remember to back up your V executable before you try this. Don't try it unless you're comfortable using a hex editor!